Package 'pricelevels'

Title: Spatial Price Level Comparisons
Description: Price comparisons within or between countries provide an overall measure of the relative difference in prices, often denoted as price levels. This package provides index number methods for such price comparisons (e.g., The World Bank, 2011, <doi:10.1596/978-0-8213-9728-2>). Moreover, it contains functions for sampling and characterizing price data.
Authors: Sebastian Weinand [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Sebastian Weinand <[email protected]>
License: EUPL
Version: 1.3.0
Built: 2025-01-21 03:55:08 UTC

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Bilateral price indices


Calculation of bilateral price indices. Currently, the following ones are implemented (see below in alphabetic order).


banerjee(p, r, n, q, base=NULL, settings=list())

bmw(p, r, n, base=NULL, settings=list())

carli(p, r, n, base=NULL, settings=list())

cswd(p, r, n, base=NULL, settings=list())

davies(p, r, n, q, base=NULL, settings=list())

drobisch(p, r, n, q, w=NULL, base=NULL, settings=list())

dutot(p, r, n, base=NULL, settings=list())

fisher(p, r, n, q, w=NULL, base=NULL, settings=list())

geolaspeyres(p, r, n, q, w=NULL, base=NULL, settings=list())

geopaasche(p, r, n, q, w=NULL, base=NULL, settings=list())

geowalsh(p, r, n, q, w=NULL, base=NULL, settings=list())

harmonic(p, r, n, base=NULL, settings=list())

jevons(p, r, n, base=NULL, settings=list())

laspeyres(p, r, n, q, w=NULL, base=NULL, settings=list())

lehr(p, r, n, q, base=NULL, settings=list())

lowe(p, r, n, q, base=NULL, settings=list())

medgeworth(p, r, n, q, base=NULL, settings=list())

paasche(p, r, n, q, w=NULL, base=NULL, settings=list())

palgrave(p, r, n, q, w=NULL, base=NULL, settings=list())

svartia(p, r, n, q, w=NULL, base=NULL, settings=list())

toernqvist(p, r, n, q, w=NULL, base=NULL, settings=list())

theil(p, r, n, q, w=NULL, base=NULL, settings=list())

uvalue(p, r, n, q, base=NULL, settings=list())

walsh(p, r, n, q, w=NULL, base=NULL, settings=list())

young(p, r, n, q, base=NULL, settings=list())



A numeric vector of prices.

r, n

A character vector or factor of regional entities r and products n, respectively.

q, w

A numeric vector of non-negative quantities q or expenditure share weights w (see details). Either q or w must be provided for weighted indices. If both q and w are provided, q will be used.


A character specifying the base region to which all price levels are expressed. If NULL, base region is set internally.


A list of control settings to be used. The following settings are supported:

  • chatty : A logical specifying if warnings and info messages should be printed or not. The default is getOption("pricelevels.chatty").

  • connect : A logical specifying if the data should be checked for connectedness or not. The default is getOption("pricelevels.connect"). If the data are not connected, price levels are computed within the biggest block of connected regions or the block of regions to which the base region belongs. See also connect().

  • plot : A logical specifying if the calculated price levels should be plotted or not. If TRUE, the price ratios of each region are displayed as boxplots and the price levels are added as colored points. The default is getOption("pricelevels.plot").

  • qbase : A character specifying the region bb whose quantities (and prices) should be used in lowe() and young(). If NULL, prices are averaged and quantities added up for each product, i.e. pib=r=1Rpir/Rp_i^b=\sum_{r=1}^{R} p_i^r / R and qib=r=1Rqirq_i^b=\sum_{r=1}^{R} q_i^r.


Before calculations start, missing values are excluded and duplicated observations for r and n are aggregated, that is, duplicated prices p and weights w are averaged and duplicated quantities q added up.

The weights w must represent expenditure shares defined as wir=pirqir/j=1Npjrqjrw_i^r = p_i^r q_i^r / \sum_{j=1}^{N} p_j^r q_j^r. They are internally (re-)normalized such that they add up to 1 for each region r.


A named vector of price levels.


Sebastian Weinand


ILO, IMF, OECD, UNECE, Eurostat and World Bank (2020). Consumer Price Index Manual: Concepts and Methods. Washington DC: International Monetary Fund.


# sample complete price data:
dt1 <- rdata(R=3, B=1, N=5)

# compute jevons and toernqvist index:
dt1[, jevons(p=price, r=region, n=product, base="1")]
dt1[, toernqvist(p=price, r=region, n=product, q=quantity, base="1")]

# compute lowe index using quantities of region 2:
dt1[, lowe(p=price, r=region, n=product, q=quantity, base="1",

# add price data:
dt2 <- rdata(R=4, B=1, N=4)
dt2[, "region":=factor(region, labels=4:7)]
dt2[, "product":=factor(product, labels=6:9)]
dt <- rbind(dt1, dt2)
dt[, is.connected(r=region, n=product)] # non-connected now

# compute jevons and toernqvist index:
dt[, jevons(p=price, r=region, n=product, base="1")]

# change base region:
dt[, jevons(p=price, r=region, n=product, base="4")]

CPD and NLCPD methods


Function cpd() estimates regional price levels by the Country-Product-Dummy (CPD) method, originally developed by Summers (1973). Auer and Weinand (2022) recently proposed a generalization of the CPD method. This nonlinear CPD method (NLCPD method) is implemented in function nlcpd().


cpd(p, r, n, q=NULL, w=NULL, base=NULL, simplify=TRUE, settings=list())

nlcpd(p, r, n, q=NULL, w=NULL, base=NULL, simplify=TRUE, settings=list(), ...)



A numeric vector of prices.

r, n

A character vector or factor of regional entities r and products n, respectively.

q, w

A numeric vector of non-negative quantities q or weights w. By default, no weights are used in the regression (q=NULL and w=NULL). While w can be any weights considered as appropriate for weighted regression, q will result in an expenditure share weighted regression (see details). If both q and w are provided, q will be used.


A character specifying the base to which the estimated logarithmic regional price levels are expressed. When NULL, they refer to the (unweighted) regional average, similar to contr.sum.


A logical indicating whether the full regression-object should be provided (FALSE) or a named vector of estimated regional price levels (TRUE).


A list of control settings to be used. The following settings are supported:

  • chatty : A logical specifying if warnings and info messages should be printed or not. The default is getOption("pricelevels.chatty").

  • connect : A logical specifying if the data should be checked for connectedness or not. The default is getOption("pricelevels.connect"). If the data are not connected, price levels are computed within the biggest block of connected regions or the block of regions to which the base region belongs. See also connect().

  • norm.weights : A logical specifying if the weights w should be renormalized such that they add up to 1 for each region r or not. The default is TRUE.

  • plot : A logical specifying if the calculated price levels should be plotted or not. If TRUE, the price ratios of each region are displayed as boxplots and the price levels are added as colored points. The default is getOption("pricelevels.plot").

  • self.start : Only if par=NULL, the strategy how parameter start values are internally derived by nlcpd(). Currently, values s1, s2 and s3 are allowed. For s1, simple price averages across products and regions are used as start values, while these are derived by the CPD method for strategies s2 and s3. Start values for delta are either set to 1 or derived by their first-order condition if s3. By default, self.start='s1'.

  • use.jac : A logical indicating if the jacobian matrix should be used by nlcpd() for the nonlinear optimization or not. The default is FALSE.

  • : A named vector of weights for the delta-parameter (see Details). Vector length must be equal to the number of products, while names must match product names. If not supplied, δi\delta_i weights are derived internally by nlcpd() from the weights w.


Further arguments passed to nls.lm, typically arguments control, par, upper, and lower. For par, upper, and lower, vectors must have names for each parameter separated by a dot, e.g., lnP.1, pi.2, or delta.3.


The CPD method is a linear regression model that explains the logarithmic price of product ii in region rr, lnpir\ln p_i^r, by the general product price, lnπi\ln \pi_i, and the overall price level, lnPr\ln P^r:

lnpir=lnπi+lnPr+uir\ln p_i^r = \ln \pi_i + \ln P^r + u_i^r

The NLCPD method inflates the CPD model by product-specific elasticities δi\delta_i:

lnpir=lnπi+δilnPr+uir\ln p_i^r = \ln \pi_i + \delta_i \ln P^r + u_i^r

Note that both the CPD and the NLCPD method require a normalization of the estimated price levels lnPr^\widehat{\ln P^r} to avoid multicollinearity. If base=NULL, normalization r=1RlnPr^=0\sum_{r=1}^{R} \widehat{\ln P^r}=0 is used in both functions; otherwise, one price level is set to 0. The NLCPD method additionally imposes the restriction i=1Nwiδi^=1\sum_{i=1}^{N} w_i \widehat{\delta_i}=1, where the weights wiw_i can be defined by settings$ In nlcpd(), it is always the parameter δ1^\widehat{\delta_1} that is derived residually from this restriction.

Before calculations start, missing values are excluded and duplicated observations for r and n are aggregated, that is, duplicated prices p and weights w are averaged and duplicated quantities q added up.

If q is provided, expenditure shares are derived as wir=pirqir/j=1Npjrqjrw_i^r = p_i^r q_i^r / \sum_{j=1}^{N} p_j^r q_j^r and used as weights in the regression. If only w is provided, the weights w are (re-)normalized by default. If the weights w do not represent expenditure shares, the (re-)normalization can be turned off by settings=list(norm.weights=FALSE).


For simplify=TRUE, a named vector of (unlogged) regional price levels. Otherwise, for cpd(), a lm-object containing the full regression output, and for nlcpd() the full output of nls.lm() plus element


Sebastian Weinand


Auer, L. v. and Weinand, S. (2022). A Nonlinear Generalization of the Country-Product- Dummy Method. Discussion Paper 2022/45, Deutsche Bundesbank.

Summers, R. (1973). International Price Comparisons based upon Incomplete Data. Review of Income and Wealth, 19 (1), 1-16.

See Also

lm, dummy.coef, nls.lm


# sample complete price data:
R <- 3 # number of regions
B <- 1 # number of product groups
N <- 5 # number of products
dt1 <- rdata(R=R, B=B, N=N)

# compute expenditure share weighted cpd and nlcpd index:
dt1[, cpd(p=price, r=region, n=product, q=quantity)]
dt1[, nlcpd(p=price, r=region, n=product, q=quantity)]

# set individual start values in nlcpd():
par.init <- list("lnP"=setNames(rep(0, R), 1:R),
                 "pi"=setNames(rep(2, N), 1:N),
                 "delta"=setNames(rep(1, N), 1:N))
dt1[, nlcpd(p=price, r=region, n=product, q=quantity, par=par.init)]

# use lower and upper bounds on parameters:
dt1[, nlcpd(p=price, r=region, n=product, q=quantity,
            lower=unlist(par.init)-0.1, upper=unlist(par.init)+0.1)]

# change internal calculation of start values:
dt1[, nlcpd(p=price, r=region, n=product, q=quantity, settings=list(self.start="s2"))]

# add price data:
dt2 <- rdata(R=4, B=1, N=4)
dt2[, "region":=factor(region, labels=4:7)]
dt2[, "product":=factor(product, labels=6:9)]
dt <- rbind(dt1, dt2)
dt[, is.connected(r=region, n=product)] # non-connected now

# compute expenditure share weighted cpd and nlcpd index:
dt[, cpd(p=price, r=region, n=product, q=quantity, base="1")]
dt[, nlcpd(p=price, r=region, n=product, q=quantity, base="1")]

# compare with toernqvist index:
dt[, toernqvist(p=price, r=region, n=product, q=quantity, base="1")]

# computational speed in nlcpd() usually increases if use.jac=TRUE:
dt3 <- rdata(R=20, B=1, N=30)
system.time(m1 <- dt3[, nlcpd(p=price, r=region, n=product, q=quantity,
                              settings=list(use.jac=FALSE), simplify=FALSE,
system.time(m2 <- dt3[, nlcpd(p=price, r=region, n=product, q=quantity,
                              settings=list(use.jac=TRUE), simplify=FALSE,
all.equal(m1$par, m2$par, tol=1e-05)

GEKS method


Function index.pairs() computes bilateral index numbers for all pairs of regions. Based on that, function geks() derives regional price levels using the GEKS method proposed by Gini (1924, 1931), Elteto and Koves (1964), and Szulc (1964).


index.pairs(p, r, n, q=NULL, w=NULL, settings=list())

geks(p, r, n, q=NULL, w=NULL, base=NULL, simplify=TRUE, settings=list())



A numeric vector of prices.

r, n

A character vector or factor of regional entities r and products n, respectively.

q, w

A numeric vector of non-negative quantities q or expenditure share weights w (see details) to be used in the computation of weighted bilateral index numbers. Can be NULL, if the index formula specified in type does not require quantities or weights. If both q and w are provided, q will be used.


A character specifying the base region to which all price levels are expressed. When NULL, they refer to the (unweighted) regional average.


A logical indicating whether the full regression-object should be provided (FALSE) or a named vector of estimated regional price levels (TRUE).


A list of control settings to be used. The following settings are supported:

  • chatty : A logical specifying if warnings and info messages should be printed or not. The default is getOption("pricelevels.chatty").

  • connect : A logical specifying if the data should be checked for connectedness or not. The default is getOption("pricelevels.connect") for geks() and FALSE for index.pairs(). If the data are not connected, price levels are computed within the biggest block of connected regions or the block of regions to which the base region belongs. See also connect().

  • plot : A logical specifying if the calculated price levels should be plotted or not. If TRUE, the price ratios of each region are displayed as boxplots and the price levels are added as colored points. The default is getOption("pricelevels.plot"). Used only by geks().

  • all.pairs : Logical indicating whether index numbers should be computed for all region pairs (TRUE) or only for non-redundant ones (FALSE), e.g. the index number of regions AB should be the same as the inverse of BA. The default is TRUE.

  • type : A character specifying the index method(s) used to aggregate prices into bilateral price indices for each pair of regions (first step of GEKS). See bilateral.index for allowed values. Multiple choices allowed. The default is jevons.

  • wmethod : the weighting method (second step of GEKS). Allowed values are none for equal weighting of all bilateral price indices, obs for weighting the bilateral price indices according to the underlying number of intersecting observations, or shares for weighting according to the intersecting expenditure shares. The default is none. Used only by geks().

  • qbase : relevant only for type='lowe' and type='young', see bilateral.index.


The GEKS index is a two-step approach. First, prices are aggregated into bilateral index numbers using the index given in type. This is done for all pairs of regions via function index.pairs(). Second, these bilateral index numbers are transformed into a set of multilateral, transitive index numbers.

Note that the quantities q or weights w are used within the aggregation of prices into index numbers (first stage) while the subsequent transformation of these index numbers (second stage) usually does not rely on any weights (but can if specified in settings$wmethod).

Before calculations start, missing values are excluded and duplicated observations for r and n are aggregated, that is, duplicated prices p and weights w are averaged and duplicated quantities q added up.

The weights w must represent expenditure shares defined as wir=pirqir/j=1Npjrqjrw_i^r = p_i^r q_i^r / \sum_{j=1}^{N} p_j^r q_j^r. They are internally (re-)normalized such that they add up to 1 for each region r.


For index.pairs(), a data.table with variables base (the base region), region (the comparison region), and eval(settings$type) (the price level between the two regions).

For geks(), a named vector or matrix of (unlogged) regional price levels if simplify=TRUE. Otherwise, for simplify=FALSE, a lm-object containing the full regression output.


Sebastian Weinand


Gini, C. (1924). Quelques Considerations au Sujet de la Construction des Nombres Indices des Prix et des Questions Analogues. Mentron, 4 (1), 3-162.

Gini, C. (1931). On the Circular Test of Index Numbers. International Statistical Review, 9 (2), 3-25.

Elteto, O. and Koves, P. (1964). On a Problem of Index Number Computation Relating to International Comparison. Statisztikai Szemle, 42, 507-518.

Szulc, B. J. (1964). Indices for Multiregional Comparisons. Przeglad Statystyczny, 3, 239-254.

See Also



# example data:
dt1 <- rdata(R=3, B=1, N=5)

### Index pairs

# matrix of bilateral index numbers:
Pje <- dt1[, index.pairs(p=price, r=region, n=product, settings=list(type="jevons"))]
# if the underlying index satisfies the country-reversal
# test (like the Jevons index), the price index numbers of
# the upper-right triangle are the same as the inverse of
# the price index numbers of the lower-left triangle.
all.equal(Pje$jevons[3], 1/Pje$jevons[7]) # true
# hence, one could set all.pairs=FALSE without loosing any
# information. however, this is no longer true for indices
# that do not satisfy this test (like the Carli index):
Pca <- dt1[, index.pairs(p=price, r=region, n=product, settings=list(type="carli"))]
all.equal(Pca$carli[3], 1/Pca$carli[7]) # false

### GEKS method

# for complete price data (no gaps), the jevons index is transitive.
# hence, no adjustment is needed by the geks approach, which is
# why the index numbers are the same:
  dt1[, geks(p=price, r=region, n=product, base="1", settings=list(type="jevons"))],
  dt1[, jevons(p=price, r=region, n=product, base="1")]
) # true

# this is no longer true when there are gaps in the data:
dt1.gaps <- dt1[!rgaps(region, product, amount=0.25), ]
  dt1.gaps[, geks(p=price, r=region, n=product, base="1", settings=list(type="jevons"))],
  dt1.gaps[, jevons(p=price, r=region, n=product, base="1")]
) # now, differences

# weighting at the second step of GEKS can be done with respect
# to the intersection of products for each pair of region:
dt1.gaps[, geks(p=price, r=region, n=product, base="1",
                settings=list(type="jevons", wmethod="obs"))]

# add price data:
dt2 <- rdata(R=4, B=1, N=4)
dt2[, "region":=factor(region, labels=4:7)]
dt2[, "product":=factor(product, labels=6:9)]
dt <- rbind(dt1, dt2)
dt[, is.connected(r=region, n=product)] # non-connected now

# compute all index pairs and geks:
  data=dt[, index.pairs(p=price, r=region, n=product)],
  value.var="jevons"), rownames="base")
dt[, geks(p=price, r=region, n=product, base="1", settings=list(type="jevons"))]

Gerardi index


Calculation of regional price levels using the multilateral Gerardi index (Eurostat, 1978).


gerardi(p, r, n, q, w=NULL, base=NULL, simplify=TRUE, settings=list())



A numeric vector of prices.

r, n

A character vector or factor of regional entities r and products n, respectively.

q, w

A numeric vector of non-negative quantities q or expenditure share weights w (see details). If both q and w are provided, q will be used.


A character specifying the base region to which all price levels are expressed. When NULL, they refer to the (unweighted) regional average.


A logical indicating whether a named vector of estimated regional price levels (TRUE) should be returned, or also the average product prices.


A list of control settings to be used. The following settings are supported:

  • chatty : A logical specifying if warnings and info messages should be printed or not. The default is getOption("pricelevels.chatty").

  • connect : A logical specifying if the data should be checked for connectedness or not. The default is getOption("pricelevels.connect"). If the data are not connected, price levels are computed within the biggest block of connected regions or the block of regions to which the base region belongs. See also connect().

  • plot : A logical specifying if the calculated price levels should be plotted or not. If TRUE, the price ratios of each region are displayed as boxplots and the price levels are added as colored points. The default is getOption("pricelevels.plot").

  • variant : for original, the international prices are calculated as unweighted geometric means. This is the original approach. With adjusted, the international prices are calculated as weighted geometric means.


Before calculations start, missing values are excluded and duplicated observations for r and n are aggregated, that is, duplicated prices p and weights w are averaged and duplicated quantities q added up.

The weights w must represent expenditure shares defined as wir=pirqir/j=1Npjrqjrw_i^r = p_i^r q_i^r / \sum_{j=1}^{N} p_j^r q_j^r. They are internally (re-)normalized such that they add up to 1 for each region r.


For simplify=TRUE, a named vector of regional price levels. Otherwise, for simplify=FALSE, a list containing the named vector of international product prices and regional price levels.


Sebastian Weinand


Balk, B. M. (1996). A comparison of ten methods for multilateral international price and volume comparisons. Journal of Official Statistics, 12 (1), 199-222.

Eurostat (1978), Comparison in real values of the aggregates of ESA 1975, Publications Office, Luxembourg.



# example data:
dt1 <- rdata(R=3, B=1, N=5)

# Gerardi price index:
dt1[, gerardi(p=price, q=quantity, r=region, n=product)]

# add price data:
dt2 <- rdata(R=4, B=1, N=4)
dt2[, "region":=factor(region, labels=4:7)]
dt2[, "product":=factor(product, labels=6:9)]
dt <- rbind(dt1, dt2)
dt[, is.connected(r=region, n=product)] # non-connected now

# compute expenditure share weights:
dt[, "share" := price*quantity/sum(price*quantity), by="region"]

# Gerardi index with quantites or expenditure share weights:
dt[, gerardi(p=price, q=quantity, r=region, n=product)]
dt[, gerardi(p=price, w=share, r=region, n=product)]

Multilateral systems of equations


Calculation of regional price levels using the

  • Geary-Khamis method (Geary, 1958; Khamis, 1972): gkhamis()

  • Iklé method (Ikle, 1972; Dikhanov, 1997; Balk, 1996): ikle()

  • Rao system (Rao, 1990): rao()

  • Rao-Hajargasht method (Rao and Hajargasht, 2016): rhajargasht()

All methods have in common that they set up a system of interrelated equations of international product prices and price levels, which must be solved iteratively. It is only the definition of the international product prices and price levels that differ between the methods (see package vignette).


gkhamis(p, r, n, q=NULL, base=NULL, simplify=TRUE, settings=list())

ikle(p, r, n, q=NULL, w=NULL, base=NULL, simplify=TRUE, settings=list())

rao(p, r, n, q=NULL, w=NULL, base=NULL, simplify=TRUE, settings=list())

rhajargasht(p, r, n, q=NULL, w=NULL, base=NULL, simplify=TRUE, settings=list())



A numeric vector of prices.

r, n

A character vector or factor of regional entities r and products n, respectively.

q, w

A numeric vector of non-negative quantities q or expenditure share weights w (see details). If both q and w are provided, q will be used. Note that gkhamis() does not use weights w.


A character specifying the base region to which all price levels are expressed. When NULL, they refer to the (unweighted) regional average.


A logical indicating whether a named vector of estimated regional price levels (TRUE) should be returned, or also the average product prices.


A list of control settings to be used. The following settings are supported:

  • chatty : A logical specifying if warnings and info messages should be printed or not. The default is getOption("pricelevels.chatty").

  • connect : A logical specifying if the data should be checked for connectedness or not. The default is getOption("pricelevels.connect") for geks() and FALSE for index.pairs(). If the data are not connected, price levels are computed within the biggest block of connected regions or the block of regions to which the base region belongs. See also connect().

  • plot : A logical specifying if the calculated price levels should be plotted or not. If TRUE, the price ratios of each region are displayed as boxplots and the price levels are added as colored points. The default is getOption("pricelevels.plot").

  • solve : the method used for solving the system of equations. The default for all indices is iterative for iterative solving until convergence. For gkhamis(), the analytical solution proposed by Diewert (1999) is also allowed by setting to matrix.

  • tol : the tolerance level when convergence is achieved if type="iterative". The default is 1e-9.

  • max.iter : the maximum number of iterations if type="iterative". The default is 99.


In their original form, the above index methods use quantities (or weights). However, Rao and Hajargasht (2016, p. 417) have shown that similar solutions exist for the unweighted definitions of international product prices and price levels. This is implemented in the functions where

  • gkhamis(q=NULL) corresponds to a multilateral Dutot index;

  • ikle(q=NULL, w=NULL) to a multilateral Harmonic mean index;

  • rao(q=NULL, w=NULL) to a multilateral Jevons index;

  • rhajargasht(q=NULL, w=NULL) to a multilateral Carli index.

Before calculations start, missing values are excluded and duplicated observations for r and n are aggregated, that is, duplicated prices p and weights w are averaged and duplicated quantities q added up.

The weights w must represent expenditure shares defined as wir=pirqir/j=1Npjrqjrw_i^r = p_i^r q_i^r / \sum_{j=1}^{N} p_j^r q_j^r. They are internally (re-)normalized such that they add up to 1 for each region r.


For simplify=TRUE, a named vector of regional price levels. Otherwise, for simplify=FALSE, a list containing the named vector of international product prices and regional price levels, the number of iterations until convergence, and the achieved difference at convergence.


Sebastian Weinand


Balk, B. M. (1996). A comparison of ten methods for multilateral international price and volume comparisons. Journal of Official Statistics, 12 (1), 199-222.

Diewert, W. E. (1999). Axiomatic and Economic Approaches to International Comparisons. In: International and Interarea Comparisons of Income, Output and Prices, edited by A. Heston and R. E Lipsey. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Dikhanov, Y. (1994). Sensitivity of PPP-based income estimates to the choice of aggregation procedures. The World Bank, Washington D.C., June 10, paper presented at 23rd General Conference of the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth, St. Andrews, Canada.

Geary, R. C. (1958). A Note on the Comparison of Exchange Rates and Purchasing Power Between Countries. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (General), 121 (1), 97–99.

Ikle, D. M. (1972). A new approach to the index number problem. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 86 (2), 188-211.

Khamis, S. H. (1972). A New System of Index Numbers for National and International Purposes. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (General), 135 (1), 96–121.

Rao, D. S. P. (1990). A system of log-change index numbers for multilateral comparisons. In: Comparisons of prices and real products in Latin America. Contributions to Economic Analysis Series, edited by Salazar-Carrillo and Rao. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company.

Rao, D. S. P. and G. Hajargasht (2016). Stochastic approach to computation of purchasing power parities in the International Comparison Program. Journal of Econometrics, 191 (2016), 414-425.



# example data:
dt1 <- rdata(R=3, B=1, N=5)

# Gery-Khamis price index can be obtained in two ways:
dt1[, gkhamis(p=price, q=quantity, r=region, n=product, settings=list(solve="iterative"))]
dt1[, gkhamis(p=price, q=quantity, r=region, n=product, settings=list(solve="matrix"))]

# gkhamis(), ikle() and gerardi() yield same results if quantites the same:
dt1[, "quantity2" := 1000*rleidv(product)]
dt1[, gkhamis(p=price, r=region, n=product, q=quantity2)]
dt1[, gerardi(p=price, r=region, n=product, q=quantity2)]
dt1[, ikle(p=price, r=region, n=product, q=quantity2)]
dt1[, "quantity2":=NULL]

# add price data:
dt2 <- rdata(R=4, B=1, N=4)
dt2[, "region":=factor(region, labels=4:7)]
dt2[, "product":=factor(product, labels=6:9)]
dt <- rbind(dt1, dt2)
dt[, is.connected(r=region, n=product)] # non-connected now

# compute expenditure share weights:
dt[, "share" := price*quantity/sum(price*quantity), by="region"]

# Ikle index with quantites or expenditure share weights:
dt[, ikle(p=price, q=quantity, r=region, n=product)]
dt[, ikle(p=price, w=share, r=region, n=product)]

Price matrix characteristics


A price matrix or price tableau typically consists of prices for multiple products and regions.

Function is.connected() checks if all regions in the price matrix are connected either directly or indirectly by some bridging region. neighbors() divides the regions into groups of connected regions. connect() is a simple wrapper of neighbors(), connecting some price data by relying on the group with the maximum number of observations. comparisons() derives the amount of bilateral (or pairwise) comparisons that could be computed for each of those groups of regions. sparsity() indicates the sparsity of the price matrix.


is.connected(r, n)

neighbors(r, n, simplify=FALSE)

connect(r, n)

comparisons(r, n, ngbs=NULL)

sparsity(r, n, useable=FALSE)


r, n

A character vector or factor of regional entities r and products n, respectively.


A logical indicating whether the results should be simplified to a factor of group identifiers (TRUE) or not (FALSE). In the latter case the output will be a list of connected regions.


Either NULL or a list of connected regions derived from neighbors(). The latter case will allow for small performance gains in terms of processing times.


A logical indicating whether only observations should be taken into account that could be used for interregional comparisons (TRUE) or not (FALSE).


Following World Bank (2013, p. 98), a "price tableau is said to be connected if the price data are such that it is not possible to place the countries in two groups in which no item priced by any country in one group is priced by any other country in the second group".


Function is.connected() prints a single logical indicating the connectedness while connect() returns a logical vector of the same length as the input vectors. neighbors() gives a list or vector of connected regions. sparsity() returns a single numeric showing the sparsity of the price matrix. comparisons() outputs a data.table with the following variables:

group_id group identifier
group_members regions belonging to that group
group_size number of regions belonging to that group
total number of (non-redundant) regional pairs that could be computed, following the formula R(R1)/2R*(R-1)/2
direct number of regional pairs that traces back to direct connections, e.g. when two regions have priced the same product
indirect number of regional pairs that traces back to indirect connections, e.g. when two regions are connected via a third bridging region
n_obs number of observations containing interregional information


Sebastian Weinand


World Bank (2013). Measuring the Real Size of the World Economy: The Framework, Methodology, and Results of the International Comparison Program. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.


### connected price data:
dt1 <- rdata(R=4, B=1, N=3)

dt1[, sparsity(r = region, n = product)]
dt1[, is.connected(r = region, n = product)] # true
dt1[, neighbors(r = region, n = product, simplify = TRUE)]
dt1[, comparisons(r = region, n = product)]

### non-connected price data:
dt2 <- data.table::data.table(
          "region" = c("a","a","h","b","a","a","c","c","d","e","e","f",NA),
          "product" = c(1,1,"bla",1,2,3,3,4,4,5,6,6,7),
          "price" = runif(13,5,6),
          stringsAsFactors = TRUE)

dt2[, is.connected(r = region, n = product)] # false
with(dt2, neighbors(r=region, n=product))
dt2[, comparisons(region, product)]
# note that the region-product-combination [NA,7] is dropped
# from the output, while [a,2] and [e,5] are not included in
# the calculation of 'n_obs' as both are not useable in terms
# of regional price comparisons. also sparsity() takes this
# into account, if wanted:
dt2[, sparsity(region, product, useable=TRUE)]
dt2[, sparsity(region, product)]

# connect the price data:
dt2[connect(r=region, n=product),]

Spatial price indices


Calculation of multiple spatial price indices at once.


# list all available price indices:

# compute all price indices:
pricelevels(p, r, n, q=NULL, w=NULL, base=NULL, settings=list())



A numeric vector of prices.

r, n

A character vector or factor of regional entities r and products n, respectively.

q, w

A numeric vector of non-negative quantities q or expenditure share weights w (see details). Either q or w must be provided for weighted indices. If both q and w are provided, q will be used.


A character specifying the base region to which all price levels are expressed. If NULL, base region is set internally.


A list of control settings to be used. The following settings are supported:

  • chatty : A logical specifying if warnings and info messages should be printed or not. The default is getOption("pricelevels.chatty").

  • connect : A logical specifying if the data should be checked for connectedness or not. The default is getOption("pricelevels.connect"). If the data are not connected, price levels are computed within the biggest block of connected regions or the block of regions to which the base region belongs. See also connect().

  • plot : A logical specifying if the calculated price levels should be plotted or not. If TRUE, the price ratios of each region are displayed as boxplots and the price levels are added as colored points. The default is getOption("pricelevels.plot").

  • type : A vector specifying the index methods used to aggregate prices into price indices. See list.indices() for allowed values. The default is NULL in which case all possible price indices are computed.

  • ... : Further settings allowed for the index methods.


Before calculations start, missing values are excluded and duplicated observations for r and n are aggregated, that is, duplicated prices p and weights w are averaged and duplicated quantities q added up.

The weights w must represent expenditure shares defined as wir=pirqir/j=1Npjrqjrw_i^r = p_i^r q_i^r / \sum_{j=1}^{N} p_j^r q_j^r. They are internally (re-)normalized such that they add up to 1 for each region r.


A matrix of price levels where the rows contain the index methods and the columns the regions.


Sebastian Weinand


# sample complete price data:
dt1 <- rdata(R=3, B=1, N=5)

# compute unweighted indices:
dt1[, pricelevels(p=price, r=region, n=product, base="1")]

# compute all indices relying on quantities:
dt1[, pricelevels(p=price, r=region, n=product, q=quantity, base="1")]

# add price data:
dt2 <- rdata(R=4, B=1, N=4)
dt2[, "region":=factor(region, labels=4:7)]
dt2[, "product":=factor(product, labels=6:9)]
dt <- rbind(dt1, dt2)
dt[, is.connected(r=region, n=product)] # non-connected now

# compute all unweighted indices:
dt[, pricelevels(p=price, r=region, n=product, base="1")]

# change base region:
dt[, pricelevels(p=price, r=region, n=product, base="4")]

Calculation of price ratios


Calculation of regional price ratios per product with flexible setting of base prices.


ratios(p, r, n, base=NULL, static=FALSE, settings=list())



A numeric vector of prices.

r, n

A character vector or factor of regional entities r and products n, respectively.


A character specifying the base region to be used for the calculation of price ratios, i.e., pnr/pnbasep_n^r / p_n^{base}. If NULL, price ratios are calculated with reference to the average price of a product, i.e., pnr/pˉnp_n^r / \bar{p}_n, with pˉn=(1/R)s=1Rpns\bar{p}_n = (1/R) \sum_{s=1}^{R} p_n^s.


A logical indicating whether the base region is static (TRUE), i.e. always the same as base, or if another region than base is allowed to be used when prices for base are not available or missing (=NA). Only relevant if base is not NULL.


A list of control settings to be used. The following settings are supported:

  • chatty : A logical specifying if warnings and info messages should be printed or not. The default is getOption("pricelevels.chatty").


If base is not available for a specific product, nn, and static=FALSE, another base region is used instead. This is particularly important in cases of missing prices. Otherwise, for static=TRUE, computation is not possible and gives NA.

If there are duplicated observations, only one of these duplicates is used as the base price. For example, if two prices are available for product nn in base region rr, ratios() divides both prices by the first one.


A numeric vector of the same length as p. If base has been adjusted for some products, the attribute attr("base") is added to the output, providing the respective base region.


Sebastian Weinand


### (1) unique price observations; no missings

dt1 <- rdata(R=3, B=1, N=4)
levels(dt1$region) <- c("a","b","c")

# calculate price ratios by product:
dt1[, ratios(p=price, r=region, n=product, base="b")]

### (2) unique price observations; missings

# drop two observations:
dt2 <- dt1[-c(5,10), ]

# now, region 'a' is base for product 2:
(pr <- dt2[, ratios(p=price, r=region, n=product, base="b")])

# base region prices are stored in attributes:
attr(pr, "base")

# with static base, NAs are produced:
dt2[, ratios(p=price, r=region, n=product, base="b", static=TRUE)]

### (3) treatment of duplicates and missing prices (not NAs):

# insert duplicates and missings:
dt3 <- rbind(dt1[2,], dt1[-c(1,10),])
dt3[1, "price" := dt1[2,price]+abs(rnorm(1))]
anyDuplicated(dt3, by=c("region","product"))

# duplicated prices are divided by the first base price:
dt3[, ratios(p=price, r=region, n=product, base="b")]

Simulate random price and quantity data


Simulate random price and quantity data for a specified number of regions (r=1,,R)(r=1,\ldots,R), product groups (b=1,,B)(b=1,\ldots,B), and individual products (n=1,,Nb)(n=1,\ldots,N_{b}) using function rdata().

The sampling of prices relies on the NLCPD model (see nlcpd()), while expenditure weights for product groups are sampled using function rweights(). Purchased quantities are assigned to individual products. Moreover, random sales and gaps (using function rgaps()) can be introduced in the sampled data.


rgaps(r, n, amount=0, prob=NULL, pairs=FALSE, exclude=NULL)

rweights(r, b, type=~1)

rdata(R, B, N, gaps=0, weights=~b+r, sales=0, settings=list())


r, n, b

A character vector or factor of regional entities r, individual products n, and product groups (or basic headings) b, respectively.

R, B, N

A single integer specifying the number of regions R and product groups B, respectively, and a vector of length B specifying the number of individual products N in each product group.

weights, type

A formula specifying the sampling of expenditure weights for product groups. If type=~1, product groups receive identical weights, while weights are product group specific for type=~b. If weights should vary among product groups and regions, use type=~b+r. As long as there are no data gaps, the weights add up to 1 for each region.

gaps, sales, amount

Percentage amount of gaps and sales (between 0 and 1), respectively, to be introduced in the data.


A vector of probability weights, see also sample(). Either NULL or the same length as r and n. Larger values make gaps occur more likely at this position.


A logical indicating if gaps should be introduced such that there are always at least two observations per product available (pairs=TRUE). Only in this case, all products provide valuable information for a spatial price comparison. Otherwise, if pairs=FALSE, there can be products with only one observation. See also the Details section.


Data.frame of two (character) variables r and n, specifying regions and products to be excluded from introducing gaps. Default is NULL, meaning that gaps are allowed to occur in all regions and products present in the data. Missing values (NA) are translated into no gaps for the corresponding product or region, e.g. data.frame(r="r1", n=NA) means that there will be no gaps in region r1.


A list of control settings to be used. The following settings are supported:

  • gaps.prob : See argument prob.

  • gaps.pairs : See argument pairs.

  • gaps.exclude : See argument exclude.

  • sales.max.rebate : Maximum allowed percentage price rebate for a sale (between 0 and 1). Default is 1/4.

  • sales.max.qi : Maximum allowed percentage quantity decrease for a sale (between 0 and 1). Default is 2.

  • : named vector specifying the standard deviations used for sampling true parameters and errors. Default is c(lnP=0.1, pi=exp(1), delta=0.5, error=0.01).

  • par.add : logical, specifying if the parameters underlying the data generating process should be added the function output. This is particularly useful if rdata() is applied in simulations. Default is FALSE.

  • round : logical, specifying if prices should be rounded to two decimals or not. While prices usually have two decimal places in reality, this rounding can cause small differences between estimated and true parameter values. For simulation purposes, it is therefore recommended to use unrounded prices by setting round=FALSE.


Function rgaps() ensures that gaps do not lead to non-connected price data (see is.connected()). Therefore, it could happen that the amount of gaps specified in rgaps() is only approximate, in particular, in cases where certain regions and/or products should additionally be excluded from exhibiting gaps by exclude.

If rgaps(pairs=FALSE), the minimum number of observations for a connected data set is R+N1R+N-1. Otherwise, for rgaps(pairs=TRUE), this number is defined by 2N+max(0,RN1)2N+\text{max}(0, R-N-1).

Note that setting sales>0 in function rdata() distorts the initial price generating process. Consequently, parameter estimates may deviate stronger from their true values. Note also that the sampled expenditure weights weight represent the relevance of product groups as (often) derived from national accounts and other data sources. Therefore, they cannot be derived from the sampled prices and quantities in the data, which would represent the expenditure shares of available products.


Function rgaps() returns a logical vector of the same length as r where TRUEs indicate gaps and FALSEs no gaps.

Function rweights() returns a numeric vector of (non-negative) expenditure share weights of the same length as r.

Function rdata() returns a data.table with the following variables:

group product group identifier (factor)
weight expenditure weight of product groups (numeric)
region region identifier (factor)
product product identifier (factor)
sale are prices and quantities affected by sales (logical)
price sampled price (numeric)
quantity consumed quantity (numeric)
share expenditure share weights (numeric)

or a list with the sampled data and its underlying parameter values, if settings=list(par.add=TRUE).


Sebastian Weinand


# sample price data for ten regions and five product groups
# containing three individual products each:
dt <- rdata(R=10, B=5, N=3)
boxplot(price~paste(group, product, sep=":"), data=dt)

# sample price data for ten regions and five product groups
# containing one to five individual products:
dt <- rdata(R=10, B=5, N=c(1,2,3,4,5))
boxplot(price~paste(group, product, sep=":"), data=dt)

# sample price data for three product groups (with one product each) in four regions:
dt <- rdata(R=4, B=3, N=1)

# add expenditure share weights:
dt[, "w1" := rweights(r=region, b=group, type=~1)] # constant
dt[, "w2" := rweights(r=region, b=group, type=~b)] # product-specific
dt[, "w3" := rweights(r=region, b=group, type=~b+r)] # product-region-specific

# weights add up to 1:
dt[, list("w1"=sum(w1),"w2"=sum(w2),"w3"=sum(w3)), by="region"]

# introduce 25% random gaps:
dt.gaps <- dt[!rgaps(r=region, n=product, amount=0.25), ]

# weights no longer add up to 1 in each region:
dt.gaps[, list("w1"=sum(w1),"w2"=sum(w2),"w3"=sum(w3)), by="region"]

# approx. 25% random gaps, but keep observation for product "n2"
# in region "r1" and all observations in region "r2":
no_gaps <- data.frame(r=c("r1","r2"), n=c("n2",NA))

# apply to data:
dt[!rgaps(r=region, n=product, amount=0.25, exclude=no_gaps), ]

# or, directly, in one step:
dt <- rdata(R=4, B=3, N=1, gaps=0.25, settings=list("gaps.exclude"=no_gaps))

# introduce systematic gaps:
dt <- rdata(R=15, B=1, N=10)
dt[, "prob" := data.table::rleidv(product)] # probability for gaps increases per product
dt.gaps <- dt[!rgaps(r=region, n=product, amount=0.25, prob=prob), ]
plot(table(dt.gaps$product), type="l")